ASWASRO(Association For Social Work And Social Research In Orissa)

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Our Activity


The organization is running a Swadhar shelter home for the Women in difficult circumstances under the Swadhar Project. The widows,Divorcee,un-wed mother, & other category of distressed women deserted by their family members and other destitute in different circumstances are staying in the Home. The women without any family support are rehabilitated in the home. The benificiaries belong to different parts of Boudh District . The benificiaries of the home are imparted different vocational education making of plate and tray out of Sal and Siali leaves . Some benificiaries are engaged in farming Mushroom culture,others are engaged in tailoring . Different educational programmes are shown them in Video and CD Programmes.

The women are encouraged to be reliant and economic development. So that they could stand on their own feet.. The Collector on behalf of District Administrator of Boudh , is recommending distressed women to the Swadhikar Shelter Home. The local police Administration is also recommending the unwed distressed women to the Swadhikar Shelter Home and recommended their views for the welfare of the residence of the Swadhikar Shelter Home. The distressed women who have completed their vocational education or who have reconciled with their husband or family members are discharged from the Swadhikar Shelter Home. The residence of the Swadhikar Shelter Home are encouraged to be independent and self sustained in their life.


The Organisation is running Help line programme at Seva Vihar , Boudh supported by the financial assistance of W&CD Dept., Govt of India, New Delhi To provide support the distressed women and their relatives for contact with the Swadhikar Shelter Home by this Help Line programme . The operators are keeping contact with the distressed women by this help line programme. The operators . It is helping a lot to this distressed women to reach the Swadhikar Shelter Home very easily and supporting a lot by rehabilitant the distressed women. Our organisation has appointed three operators for this Help Line Programme.


We are running an Old Age Home at Kotagarh in Kandhamal District . The elder men of the Kotagarh Block area and its periphery area are staying in the home. We have made and survey in the Kotagarh Block area and found the Destitute old persons in the area.

We had arranged an Eye Camp for the inmates of the Old Age Home. The Doctor of Kotagarh Hospital had examined the health of every inmates of the home.Free medicines and Biscuits were supplied to other old age persons who had attended the camp.

The organization is trying to give more comfort to the aged persons who have suffered physical and mental Agony in their past life.

The Old age Home At Kotagarh is running without any financial support either from the Govt. Of Orissa or Govt. Of India. The Organization is managing the Old Age Home with much financial difficulties. If the Government of India will support financial assistance to this Old Age Home. It will help a lot the tribal people of Kotagarh Block in Phulbani District.


The Organization "ASWASRO" had emphasized to implement on the programme of Yoga and Orientation Environment Programme in different schools of Boudh District performing of Yoga will lead a blissful of life is essentially required in a man's life . For this the Organization "ASWASRO" had arranged a workshop in Boudh Town Hall.


The poor women are given unequal treatment in the society. They are exploited by some vested interest group. Since the illiterate women are poor, unconscious about their rights and responsibilities and duties. They are being victimized . To aware these women , to awake for their self development, a rally was organised in the Boudh Town. The rally was encouraged by the public & was demanding free legal services to be provided to the victimized women. The District Administration of Boudh was appraised by the volunteers about the demands of the public and to make arrangements for providing legal support to the distressed women.


In today's life man has concentrated on his own development , disregarding wanton destruction of nature and animals . Man has used animals for his selfish purposes . So cruelty to animals has been an unwritten law. It is creating an imbalance in the society.

To publicize this horror theory , among the public , an awareness camp was organised at Boudh Town Hall.

The speakers from different walks of society were invited and put emphasizes on keeping balance in the society and to show sympathy to the animals , otherwise civilization will be end.